Mallards Mallards
Photo Credit: Bob McLandress

Guiding Principles

The following provides a general framework for accomplishing the Central Valley Joint Venture (CVJV) mission. The CVJV focuses on waterfowl, but integrates the needs of other bird groups, as outlined in its Implementation Plan. The focus will broaden, subject to future funding opportunities, to implement all bird conservation strategies consistent with the CVJV mission statement.

Land Use Principles:

Working both collectively and independently, joint venture partners conduct activities in support of bird conservation goals cooperatively developed by the partnership.

  • The CVJV will accomplish its habitat goals by means of land protection, restoration, and enhancement. Terms are defined as follows:
    • Protection – the removal of a threat to land via fee title acquisition, perpetual conservation easement or perpetual agricultural easement from willing sellers. This action does not result in a gain in habitat acreage. Unprotected is defined as any privately owned land not covered by perpetual easement.
    • Restoration – the physical manipulation of a former wetland or upland site with the goal of mimicking natural/historic functions. Only restoration under long-term protection will be counted as acreage gained.
    • Enhancement – the physical manipulation of a wetland or upland site to repair or improve natural/historic functions or to manipulate seral stages of vegetation for the benefit of wildlife. Any manipulations for wildlife habitat improvements on lands protected less than perpetually will be counted as enhancement. This action does not result in a habitat acreage gain.
    • The CVJV strongly encourages the assurance of adequate long-term water supplies with all wetland protection, restoration, and enhancement projects.
    • The CVJV encourages land conservation through fee title acquisition or perpetual conservation easements. The CVJV will also support non-perpetual conservation programs. However they will not count towards the JV’s protection objectives.
    • Habitat objective accomplishments do not transfer from one basin to another.
    • The CVJV encourages non-regulatory actions prior to mitigation whenever possible.
    • The CVJV seeks at least 50% of the energetic requirement for waterfowl from wetlands in each basin.

    Biological Principles:

    • The basis of the CVJV biological principles is to provide habitat for six bird groups, as addressed in the Implementation Plan. These bird groups include the following: breeding and non-breeding waterfowl, breeding and non-breeding shorebirds, riparian dependent songbirds, and waterbirds.
    • The CVJV Implementation Plan objectives will not be implemented at the expense of other native/sensitive habitats such as vernal pools, remnant native grasslands, etc.


The CVJV partnership has earned an impressive record of accomplishment since its inception in 1988, and is making great progress towards meeting the objectives identified in its 2020 Implementation Plan.